
Client extends BaseEndpoint
in package

Routing class for OneRoster


\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Endpoints\AcademicSessions $academicSessions

Table of Contents


$categories  : Categories
$classes  : Classes
$courses  : Courses
$demographics  : Demographics
$enrollments  : Enrollments
$gradingPeriods  : GradingPeriods
$lineItems  : LineItems
$orgs  : Orgs
$results  : Results
$schools  : Schools
$students  : Students
$teachers  : Teachers
$terms  : Terms
$users  : Users
$_academicSessions  : AcademicSessions|null
$_categories  : Categories|null
$_classes  : Classes|null
$_courses  : Courses|null
$_demographics  : Demographics|null
$_enrollments  : Enrollments|null
$_gradingPeriods  : GradingPeriods|null
$_lineItems  : LineItems|null
$_orgs  : Orgs|null
$_results  : Results|null
$_schools  : Schools|null
$_students  : Students|null
$_teachers  : Teachers|null
$_terms  : Terms|null
$_users  : Users|null
$endpoints  : array<string, BaseEndpoint>>



public Classes $classes

Routing class for the subnamespace Classes


public Schools $schools

Routing class for the subnamespace Schools


public Teachers $teachers

Routing class for the subnamespace Teachers


public Terms $terms

Routing class for the subnamespace Terms


protected Classes|null $_classes = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Classes


protected Schools|null $_schools = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Schools


protected Teachers|null $_teachers = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Teachers


protected Terms|null $_terms = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Terms


protected array<string, BaseEndpoint>> $endpoints = ["academicSessions" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\AcademicSessions", "terms" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Terms", "gradingPeriods" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\GradingPeriods", "categories" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Categories", "classes" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Classes", "courses" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Courses", "enrollments" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Enrollments", "lineItems" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\LineItems", "orgs" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Orgs", "results" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Results", "schools" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Schools", "users" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Users", "teachers" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Teachers", "students" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Students", "demographics" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\OneRoster\\Endpoints\\Demographics"]

$endpoints Routing subpaths

On this page

Search results