
AddressAdd extends BaseComponent
in package

AddressAdd Model

Table of Contents


$city  : string
$country  : string|null
$line_one  : string
$line_three  : string|null
$line_two  : string|null
$mailing_address  : bool
$postal_code  : string|null
$primary  : bool
$province  : string|null
$region  : string|null
$salutations  : Salutations
$state  : string|null
$type_id  : int
$user_id  : int
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $country

Country full name (United States)


public string $line_one

Address Line 1 (123 Main Street)


public string|null $line_three

Address Line 3


public string|null $line_two

Address Line 2 (Suite 100)


public bool $mailing_address

Set to true to set this address as the mailing address


public string|null $postal_code

Postal code


public bool $primary

Set to true to make this the primary address


public string|null $state

State 2 letter abbreviation (SC) or full name. Required only if Country property is United States


public int $user_id

The ID of the user of the address


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["user_id" => "int", "type_id" => "int", "salutations" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\Salutations", "country" => "string", "line_one" => "string", "line_two" => "string", "line_three" => "string", "city" => "string", "state" => "string", "postal_code" => "string", "province" => "string", "region" => "string", "mailing_address" => "bool", "primary" => "bool"]

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