
Assignment extends BaseComponent
in package

Assignment Model

Table of Contents


$date  : string|null
$description  : string|null
$discussion  : bool
$due_date  : string|null
$enrolled  : int|null
$graded_count  : int|null
$id  : int
$index_id  : int|null
$major  : bool
$name  : string|null
$publish_on_assigned  : bool
$published  : bool
$rank  : int|null
$status  : int|null
$type  : string|null
$type_id  : int|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $date

The date the assignment was assigned; Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $description

The description of the assignment


public bool $discussion

Returns True if Discussion is enabled; Discussion is a user-defined value.


public string|null $due_date

The date the assignment is due; Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public int|null $enrolled

The number of students enrolled in a class.


public int|null $graded_count

Returns the number of assignments that have been graded


public int|null $index_id

The index ID of the assignment


public bool $major

Whether the assignment is a major assignment or not; a major assignment is a user-defined value


public string|null $name

The name of the assignment


public bool $publish_on_assigned

Returns True if assignment is published when it's assigned; based on the Date property


public bool $published

Returns True if the assignment is published


public int|null $rank

Gets or sets the rank of the assignment


public int|null $status

The status of the assignment. The status corresponds with static system options. Allowed values: "0" for In Progress, "1" for Completed, "2" for Overdue, and "-1" for To Do.


public string|null $type

The assignment type (ex. Homework, Essay)


public int|null $type_id

The Type ID of the assignment; the Type ID is a static system value.


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["id" => "int", "date" => "string", "description" => "string", "discussion" => "bool", "due_date" => "string", "enrolled" => "int", "graded_count" => "int", "index_id" => "int", "major" => "bool", "name" => "string", "publish_on_assigned" => "bool", "published" => "bool", "rank" => "int", "status" => "int", "type" => "string", "type_id" => "int"]

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