
CalendarItem extends BaseComponent
in package

Calendar item

Table of Contents


$all_day  : bool|null
$association_id  : int|null
$brief_description  : string|null
$building_name  : string|null
$cancelled  : bool|null
$category_id  : int|null
$category_name  : string|null
$contact_email  : string|null
$contact_name  : string|null
$end_date  : string|null
$event_id  : int|null
$event_type  : string|null
$home_away  : string|null
$invitational  : bool|null
$league  : bool|null
$location  : string|null
$long_description  : string|null
$opponent  : string|null
$playoff  : bool|null
$preset_id  : int|null
$recurrence_id  : int|null
$registration_id  : int|null
$reschedule_note  : string|null
$rescheduled  : bool|null
$room_name  : string|null
$scrimmage  : bool|null
$start_date  : string|null
$title  : string|null
$total_days  : int|null
$tournament  : bool|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public bool|null $all_day

Returns true if the event happens all day


public int|null $association_id

The association id for the event


public string|null $brief_description

The brief description of the event


public string|null $building_name

The name of the building where the event is being held


public bool|null $cancelled

If the event is an athletic game, returns true if it is canceled


public int|null $category_id

The id of the category the event belongs to


public string|null $category_name

The name of the category the event belongs to


public string|null $contact_email

The email of the event contact


public string|null $contact_name

The name of the event contact


public string|null $end_date

The date the event ends


public string|null $event_type

The type of the event


public string|null $home_away

If the event is an athletic game, returns the home or away status of the game


public bool|null $invitational

If the event is an athletic game, returns true if the game is an invitational


public bool|null $league

If the event is an athletic game, returns true if the game is a league game


public string|null $location

The location of the event


public string|null $long_description

The long description of the event


public string|null $opponent

If the event is an athletic game, returns the name of the opponent


public bool|null $playoff

If the event is an athletic game, returns true if the game is a playoff game


public int|null $preset_id

The event preset id


public int|null $recurrence_id

The recurrence id of the event


public int|null $registration_id

the registration id of the event


public string|null $reschedule_note

If the event is an athletic game, the rescheduled note (usually the reason for the reschedule)


public bool|null $rescheduled

If the event is an athletic game, returns true if the game was rescheduled


public string|null $room_name

The name of the room where the event is being held


public bool|null $scrimmage

If the event is an athletic game, returns true if the game is a scrimmage


public string|null $start_date

The date the event starts


public int|null $total_days

Shows the total number of days the event spans


public bool|null $tournament

If the event is an athletic game, returns true if the game is part of a tournament


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["association_id" => "int", "brief_description" => "string", "building_name" => "string", "cancelled" => "bool", "contact_email" => "string", "contact_name" => "string", "end_date" => "string", "event_id" => "int", "event_type" => "string", "category_id" => "int", "category_name" => "string", "home_away" => "string", "invitational" => "bool", "league" => "bool", "location" => "string", "long_description" => "string", "opponent" => "string", "playoff" => "bool", "preset_id" => "int", "recurrence_id" => "int", "registration_id" => "int", "rescheduled" => "bool", "reschedule_note" => "string", "room_name" => "string", "scrimmage" => "bool", "start_date" => "string", "title" => "string", "tournament" => "bool", "all_day" => "bool", "total_days" => "int"]

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