
DirectoryResult extends BaseComponent
in package

Directory Result Model

Table of Contents


$address_line1  : string|null
$address_line2  : string|null
$address_line3  : string|null
$cell_phone  : string|null
$child_names  : string|null
$city  : string|null
$country  : string|null
$deceased  : bool|null
$department  : string|null
$department_display  : string|null
$email  : string|null
$first_name  : string|null
$grad_year  : string|null
$grade  : string|null
$grade_display  : string|null
$grade_numeric  : int|null
$grade_numeric_display  : string|null
$has_relationships  : bool|null
$home_phone  : string|null
$home_phone2  : string|null
$job_title  : string|null
$last_name  : string|null
$maiden_name  : string|null
$middlename  : string|null
$office_phone  : string|null
$preferred_address_id  : int|null
$preferred_address_lat  : float|null
$preferred_address_lng  : float|null
$preferred_name  : string|null
$prefix  : string|null
$profile_photo  : string|null
$spouse_id  : int|null
$state  : string|null
$student  : bool|null
$suffix  : string|null
$total_count  : int|null
$user_id  : int|null
$zip  : string|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $address_line1

The first line of the user address


public string|null $address_line2

The second line of the user address


public string|null $address_line3

The third line of the user address


public string|null $cell_phone

The user's cell phone number


public bool|null $deceased

Returns true if the user is deceased


public string|null $department

The department the user belongs to


public string|null $department_display

How the user's department should be displayed


public string|null $first_name

The first name of the user


public int|null $grade_numeric

The numeric grade of the user


public string|null $grade_numeric_display

The way the numeric grade should be displayed


public bool|null $has_relationships

Returns true if the user has relationships


public string|null $home_phone

The user's home phone number


public string|null $home_phone2

The user's secondary home phone number


public string|null $office_phone

The user's office phone number


public int|null $preferred_address_id

The Id of the preferred address for the user


public float|null $preferred_address_lat

Preferred address latitude


public float|null $preferred_address_lng

Preferred address longitude


public string|null $preferred_name

The user's preferred name


public string|null $profile_photo

The user's profile photo


public bool|null $student

Returns true if the user is a student


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["user_id" => "int", "first_name" => "string", "last_name" => "string", "email" => "string", "address_line1" => "string", "address_line2" => "string", "address_line3" => "string", "city" => "string", "state" => "string", "zip" => "string", "country" => "string", "home_phone" => "string", "cell_phone" => "string", "office_phone" => "string", "home_phone2" => "string", "has_relationships" => "bool", "prefix" => "string", "preferred_name" => "string", "profile_photo" => "string", "middlename" => "string", "maiden_name" => "string", "suffix" => "string", "grad_year" => "string", "grade" => "string", "grade_display" => "string", "department" => "string", "department_display" => "string", "spouse_id" => "int", "child_names" => "string", "grade_numeric" => "int", "grade_numeric_display" => "string", "total_count" => "int", "deceased" => "bool", "student" => "bool", "preferred_address_id" => "int", "preferred_address_lat" => "float", "preferred_address_lng" => "float", "job_title" => "string"]

On this page

Search results