
EmergencyContactNonUserCreate extends BaseComponent
in package

Used to create a non-user emergency contact

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$automated_email  : int
$call_dialer  : int
$email  : string|null
$firstname  : string|null
$lastname  : string|null
$phone_number  : string|null
$phone_type  : string|null
$relationship  : string|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public int $automated_email

The value to be used for the automated email field. 0 = Never, 1 = Every Time, 2 = Emergency Only


public int $call_dialer

The value to be used for the automated call dialer field. 0 = Never, 1 = Every Time, 2 = Emergency Only


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["automated_email" => "int", "email" => "string", "call_dialer" => "int", "firstname" => "string", "lastname" => "string", "phone_number" => "string", "phone_type" => "string", "relationship" => "string"]

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