
Enrollment extends BaseComponent
in package

Section Model


?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CustumFieldReadModel[] $custom_fields The list of custom fields for the section

Table of Contents


$begin_date  : string
$block_id  : int|null
$block_name  : string|null
$blocks  : bool
$building_name  : string|null
$changed_sections  : int|null
$course_code  : string|null
$course_length  : int|null
$course_title  : string|null
$departments  : array<string|int, Department>|null
$distinction  : string|null
$dropped  : int|null
$duration_begin_date  : string
$duration_description  : string|null
$duration_end_date  : string
$duration_id  : int
$duration_name  : string|null
$end_date  : string
$faculty_first_name  : string|null
$faculty_last_name  : string|null
$id  : int|null
$level_number  : int
$offering_description  : string|null
$offering_id  : int|null
$offering_type_id  : int|null
$room_id  : int|null
$room_name  : string|null
$room_number  : string|null
$school_year  : string|null
$section_identifier  : string|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string $begin_date

The begin date of the course. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public int|null $block_id

The block ID for a section


public string|null $block_name

The block name for a section


public bool $blocks

Returns true if the course has blocks


public string|null $building_name

The building name


public int|null $changed_sections

changed sections


public string|null $course_code

The identifier used to reference a course; the Course Code is a user-entered value


public int|null $course_length

The length of a course


public string|null $course_title

The title of the course


public array<string|int, Department>|null $departments

The list of departments the section is associated with


public string|null $distinction



public int|null $dropped

was the course dropped


public string $duration_begin_date

The begin date of the duration. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $duration_description

The description of the starting term of the section


public string $duration_end_date

The end date of the duration. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public int $duration_id

The duration ID for a section


public string|null $duration_name

The starting term of the section


public string $end_date

The end date of the course. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $faculty_first_name

The first name of the head teacher


public string|null $faculty_last_name

The last name of the head teacher


public int $level_number

level number


public string|null $offering_description

The description of an offering type


public int|null $offering_id

The ID of an offered course


public int|null $offering_type_id

The ID of an offering type


public int|null $room_id

The room ID for a section


public string|null $room_name

The room name for the section


public string|null $room_number

The room number for the section


public string|null $school_year

The school year date range in which the section occurs


public string|null $section_identifier

The identifier used to differentiate between multiple sections that contain a course; the Section Identifier is a user-entered value


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["id" => "int", "begin_date" => "string", "block_id" => "int", "block_name" => "string", "blocks" => "bool", "building_name" => "string", "changed_sections" => "int", "course_code" => "string", "course_length" => "int", "course_title" => "string", "departments" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\Department[]", "distinction" => "string", "dropped" => "int", "duration_begin_date" => "string", "duration_description" => "string", "duration_end_date" => "string", "duration_id" => "int", "duration_name" => "string", "end_date" => "string", "faculty_first_name" => "string", "faculty_last_name" => "string", "level_number" => "int", "offering_description" => "string", "offering_id" => "int", "offering_type_id" => "int", "room_id" => "int", "room_name" => "string", "room_number" => "string", "school_year" => "string", "section_identifier" => "string", "custom_fields" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\CustumFieldReadModel[]"]

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