
EventCategory extends BaseComponent
in package

Event Category Model

Table of Contents


$calendar_url  : string|null
$description  : string|null
$id  : int
$include_brief_description  : bool|null
$include_long_description  : bool|null
$public_  : bool|null
$roles  : array<string|int, int>|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $calendar_url

The URL of the ICS feed used to populate the event category


public string|null $description

The name of the event category


public bool|null $include_brief_description

If set to True, brief description is included in events in the category


public bool|null $include_long_description

If set to True, long description is included in events in the category


public bool|null $public_

If set to True, the event category is public. If set to False, it is secure and only users with the allowed list of roles can see the events in the category


public array<string|int, int>|null $roles

List of Role IDs that are allowed to see a secure event category


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["id" => "int", "description" => "string", "calendar_url" => "string", "include_brief_description" => "bool", "include_long_description" => "bool", "public" => "bool", "roles" => "int[]"]

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