
GameCreate extends BaseComponent
in package


?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\GameTransportation[] $transportation List of the transportation to be used for this game

Table of Contents


$additional_notes  : string|null
$cancel_type  : int|null
$clear_reschedule  : bool|null
$departure_note  : string|null
$departure_time  : string|null
$dismissal_time  : string|null
$game_date  : string
$game_date_end  : string|null
$home_away_type  : int|null
$invitational_ind  : bool|null
$league_ind  : bool|null
$location_id  : int|null
$location_ind  : int|null
$news_id  : int|null
$opponents  : array<string|int, GameOpponent>|null
$pickup_note  : string|null
$pickup_time  : string|null
$playoff_ind  : bool|null
$schedule_type  : int|null
$scrimmage_ind  : bool|null
$send_notifications  : bool|null
$skip_validation  : bool|null
$title  : string|null
$tournament_ind  : bool|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $additional_notes

Additional notes for the event


public int|null $cancel_type

Defaults to 0 for a new game


public bool|null $clear_reschedule

Set to true to remove the original scheduled game


public string|null $departure_note

Notes related to departure


public string|null $departure_time

Time for departure using 24-hour format: HH:mm


public string|null $dismissal_time

Time for dismissal using 24-hour format: HH:mm


public string $game_date

Date and time of the game Uses ISO-8601 format: 2022-01-20T16:30:00-05:00


public string|null $game_date_end

Date and time the game is set to end Uses ISO-8601 format: 2022-01-20T16:30:00-05:00


public int|null $home_away_type

Set to 0 for Home Set to 1 for Away Set to 2 for Neutral Set to 3 for TBD


public bool|null $invitational_ind

Set to true to indicate an invitational event


public bool|null $league_ind

Set to true to indicate a league event


public int|null $location_id

ID of the location/venue for the game


public int|null $location_ind

For Home games (location_ind=0), the location\_id is an ID for an athletic field or room/building. Both of these are returned by GET Athletics venues. For Away games (location_ind=1), the location\_id is an ID for an opponent location. These are returned by GET Athletics locations.


public array<string|int, GameOpponent>|null $opponents

List of Opponent ID's involved in this game


public string|null $pickup_note

Notes related to pickup


public string|null $pickup_time

Time for pickup using 24-hour format: HH:mm


public bool|null $playoff_ind

Set to true to indicate a playoff event


public int|null $schedule_type

The Type of the event


public bool|null $scrimmage_ind

Set to true to indicate a scrimmage event


public bool|null $send_notifications

Toggles 'Send Notification' option


public bool|null $skip_validation

Set to true to skip validation of this event


public string|null $title

Title of the game


public bool|null $tournament_ind

Set to true to indicate a tournament event


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["schedule_type" => "int", "title" => "string", "game_date" => "string", "game_date_end" => "string", "cancel_type" => "int", "home_away_type" => "int", "location_id" => "int", "location_ind" => "int", "dismissal_time" => "string", "departure_time" => "string", "departure_note" => "string", "pickup_time" => "string", "pickup_note" => "string", "league_ind" => "bool", "scrimmage_ind" => "bool", "tournament_ind" => "bool", "invitational_ind" => "bool", "playoff_ind" => "bool", "additional_notes" => "string", "news_id" => "int", "send_notifications" => "bool", "clear_reschedule" => "bool", "skip_validation" => "bool", "transportation" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\GameTransportation[]", "opponents" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\GameOpponent[]"]

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