
OccupationCreate extends BaseComponent
in package

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$begin_date  : string|null
$business_name  : string|null
$business_url  : string|null
$current  : bool|null
$end_date  : string|null
$industry  : string|null
$job_function  : string|null
$job_title  : string|null
$matching_gift  : bool|null
$occupation  : string|null
$organization  : string|null
$parent_company  : string|null
$specialty  : string|null
$years_employed  : int|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $begin_date

Employees start date at this business


public string|null $business_name

Name of the employing business


public string|null $business_url

Url of the employing business


public bool|null $current

Indicates if this is the individuals current employer


public string|null $end_date

Employees end date at this business


public string|null $industry

Industry of the employing business


public string|null $job_function

Description of the work done by the employee


public bool|null $matching_gift

Indicates if employer matches employee donations


public string|null $occupation

Maps to the employee's 'Profession' field


public string|null $organization

Maps to the employee's 'Organization' field


public string|null $parent_company

Parent company of employing business


public string|null $specialty

Maps to the employee's 'Specialty' field


public int|null $years_employed

Number of years employee has been at this business


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["business_name" => "string", "job_title" => "string", "business_url" => "string", "industry" => "string", "organization" => "string", "occupation" => "string", "matching_gift" => "bool", "begin_date" => "string", "end_date" => "string", "specialty" => "string", "parent_company" => "string", "job_function" => "string", "years_employed" => "int", "current" => "bool"]

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