
RelationshipRead extends BaseComponent
in package

RelationshipRead Model

Table of Contents


$comment  : string|null
$contact  : bool
$first_name  : string|null
$id  : string|null
$last_name  : string|null
$list_as_parent  : bool
$parental_access  : bool
$primary  : bool
$relationship  : int|null
$resides_with  : bool
$show_parent  : bool
$tuition_responsible_signer  : bool
$type_id  : int|null
$user_one_id  : int|null
$user_one_role  : string|null
$user_two_id  : int|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $comment

A comment describing the relationship


public bool $contact

Returns True if the user can be contacted. Returns False if the user is marked as 'No Contact' in the UI.


public string|null $first_name

The first name of the user(s) associated with the queried user


public string|null $last_name

The last name of the user(s) associated with the queried user


public bool $list_as_parent

Returns True if List as Parent is enabled in the UI for a user. If enabled, the user can be listed in directories as the student's parent


public bool $parental_access

Returns True if Parental Access is enabled in the UI for a relationship type


public bool $primary

Returns True if the user in a relationship is the primary user


public int|null $relationship

The enum value that describes the relationship (ex. Parent_Child = 6)


public bool $resides_with

Returns True if Resides With is enabled in the UI. If enabled, then the user in a relationship resides with the queried user


public bool $show_parent

Returns True if a parent's contact information is displayable in the directory


public bool $tuition_responsible_signer

Returns True if Responsible Signer is enabled in the UI for a user. If enabled, it indicates the user signs enrollment contracts in onBoard


public int|null $type_id

The ID of the relationship type. The ID corresponds with static options in the UI


public int|null $user_one_id

The ID of the user associated with user_two_id


public string|null $user_one_role

The role of the user being queried


public int|null $user_two_id

The ID of the user associated with user_one_id


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["id" => "string", "comment" => "string", "contact" => "bool", "first_name" => "string", "last_name" => "string", "list_as_parent" => "bool", "parental_access" => "bool", "primary" => "bool", "relationship" => "int", "resides_with" => "bool", "show_parent" => "bool", "tuition_responsible_signer" => "bool", "type_id" => "int", "user_one_id" => "int", "user_one_role" => "string", "user_two_id" => "int"]

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