
ScheduleItem extends BaseComponent
in package

Table of Contents


$alumni  : bool|null
$cancelled  : bool|null
$created  : string|null
$departure_location  : string|null
$departure_time  : string|null
$description  : string|null
$directions  : string|null
$dismissal_time  : string|null
$end_time  : string|null
$end_time_span  : string|null
$faculty  : bool|null
$game_date  : string|null
$game_time  : GameTime
$highlight_id  : int|null
$home_or_away  : string|null
$id  : int|null
$invitational  : bool|null
$last_modified  : string|null
$league  : bool|null
$location  : string|null
$map_url  : string|null
$meet  : int|null
$opponents  : array<string|int, Opponent>|null
$pickup_time  : string|null
$playoff  : bool|null
$practice  : bool|null
$previous_schedule_id  : int|null
$published  : bool|null
$require_dinner  : bool|null
$require_lunch  : bool|null
$rescheduled  : bool|null
$rescheduled_date  : string|null
$rescheduled_note  : string|null
$room_id  : int|null
$schedule_type  : int|null
$scrimmage  : bool|null
$section_id  : int|null
$show_details  : bool|null
$show_directions  : bool|null
$show_versus  : bool|null
$start_time  : string|null
$team_id  : int
$time  : string|null
$title  : string|null
$tournament  : bool|null
$uniform_color  : string|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public bool|null $alumni

Returns True if the game or practice is marked as alumni


public bool|null $cancelled

Returns True if the game or practice was cancelled


public string|null $created

Created date of the game or practice. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $departure_location

Departure location of the game or practice


public string|null $departure_time

The time of departure before the game or practice


public string|null $description

The game or practice description


public string|null $directions

Directions to the game or practice


public string|null $dismissal_time

The time of dismissal before the game or practice


public string|null $end_time

The time a game or practice ends


public string|null $end_time_span

The end time of the game or practice


public bool|null $faculty

Returns True if the game or practice is marked as faculty


public string|null $game_date

Date of the game or practice. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public int|null $highlight_id

The ID of the game highlight


public string|null $home_or_away

Indicates whether the game is a home game or an away game


public bool|null $invitational

Returns True if the game or practice is an invitational


public string|null $last_modified

Modified date of the game or practice. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public bool|null $league

Returns True if the game is a league event


public string|null $location

Location of the game or practice


public string|null $map_url

Directions url to the game or practice


public int|null $meet

Returns 1 if the game is a meet, otherwise returns 0


public array<string|int, Opponent>|null $opponents

Opponents for the gsame or practice


public string|null $pickup_time

The pickup time after the game or practice


public bool|null $playoff

Returns True if the game or practice is a playoff


public bool|null $practice

Returns True if the event is a practice


public int|null $previous_schedule_id

The id of the game or practice where this event was previously scheduled


public bool|null $published

Returns True if the game schedule is published


public bool|null $require_dinner

Returns True if the game or practice requires dinner


public bool|null $require_lunch

Returns True if the game or practice requires a lunch


public bool|null $rescheduled

Returns True if the game or practice was rescheduled


public string|null $rescheduled_date

The date and time a game or practice has been rescheduled. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $rescheduled_note

The resaon a game or practice was rescheduled


public int|null $room_id

The ID of the room a game or practice is being held


public int|null $schedule_type

The schedule type


public bool|null $scrimmage

Returns True if the game or practice is a scrimmage


public bool|null $show_details

Returns True if details for a game or practice are avalible


public bool|null $show_directions

Returns true if the game or practice should display "the directions on the school website


public bool|null $show_versus

Returns true if the game or practice should display "vs" on the school website


public string|null $start_time

The start time of the game or practice


public string|null $time

Time of the game or practice


public string|null $title

The title of the game or practice


public bool|null $tournament

Returns True if the game or practice is a tournament


public string|null $uniform_color

The color of the uniforms for the game or practice


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["id" => "int", "alumni" => "bool", "cancelled" => "bool", "created" => "string", "departure_location" => "string", "departure_time" => "string", "description" => "string", "directions" => "string", "dismissal_time" => "string", "end_time" => "string", "end_time_span" => "string", "title" => "string", "faculty" => "bool", "game_date" => "string", "game_time" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\GameTime", "highlight_id" => "int", "home_or_away" => "string", "invitational" => "bool", "last_modified" => "string", "league" => "bool", "location" => "string", "map_url" => "string", "meet" => "int", "opponents" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\Opponent[]", "pickup_time" => "string", "playoff" => "bool", "practice" => "bool", "previous_schedule_id" => "int", "published" => "bool", "require_dinner" => "bool", "require_lunch" => "bool", "rescheduled" => "bool", "rescheduled_date" => "string", "rescheduled_note" => "string", "room_id" => "int", "schedule_type" => "int", "scrimmage" => "bool", "section_id" => "int", "show_details" => "bool", "show_directions" => "bool", "show_versus" => "bool", "start_time" => "string", "team_id" => "int", "time" => "string", "tournament" => "bool", "uniform_color" => "string"]

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