
Section extends BaseComponent
in package

An object with section information

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$duration  : Duration
$id  : int|null
$identifier  : string|null
$lead_section_id  : int|null
$modified  : string|null
$name  : string|null
$offering  : OfferingModel
$photo  : ProfilePictureUrls
$school_year  : Year
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public Duration $duration

An object describing the term or season for the section


public int|null $id

The ID of the section. This is the the class ID for academics, team ID for athletics, building_id for dorms, etc. dependent on offering type


public string|null $identifier

The section identifier


public int|null $lead_section_id

The section id for the lead section (i.e. first term) of the class.


public string|null $modified

The last modified date for the section


public string|null $name

The name of the roster group


public Year $school_year

An object with school year information


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["id" => "int", "name" => "string", "identifier" => "string", "offering" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\OfferingModel", "duration" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\Duration", "school_year" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\Year", "lead_section_id" => "int", "modified" => "string", "photo" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\ProfilePictureUrls"]

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