
StudentAssignment extends BaseComponent
in package

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$assessment  : bool
$assessment_id  : int|null
$assessment_locked  : bool
$assignment_id  : int|null
$assignment_status  : int|null
$assignment_type  : string|null
$date_assigned  : string|null
$date_due  : string|null
$discussion  : bool
$exempt  : bool
$formative  : bool
$grade_book  : bool
$incomplete  : bool
$late  : bool
$long_description  : string|null
$major  : int|null
$missing  : bool
$online_submission  : bool
$rubric  : bool
$section_id  : int|null
$section_name  : string|null
$short_description  : string|null
$user_task  : bool
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public bool $assessment

Returns true if this assignment is an assessment


public bool $assessment_locked

Returns true if the assessment is locked


public int|null $assignment_status

The status of the assignment


public string|null $assignment_type

The type of the assignment


public string|null $date_assigned

The date the assignment was assigned


public bool $discussion

Returns true if the assignment has a discussion


public bool $exempt

Returns true if ther student is exempt from this assignment


public bool $formative

Returns true if the assignment is formative


public bool $grade_book

Returns true if the assignment is included in the GradeBook


public bool $incomplete

Returns true if the assignment is incomplete


public string|null $long_description

The long description of the assignment


public bool $online_submission

Returns true if the assignment is an online submission assignment


public bool $rubric

Returns true if the assignment is included in the rubric


public int|null $section_id

The id of the section the assignment was assigned in


public string|null $section_name

The name of the section the assignment was assigned in


public string|null $short_description

The short description for the assignment


public bool $user_task

Returns true if the assignment is a user generated task


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["section_name" => "string", "section_id" => "int", "assignment_id" => "int", "short_description" => "string", "date_assigned" => "string", "date_due" => "string", "long_description" => "string", "assignment_type" => "string", "grade_book" => "bool", "online_submission" => "bool", "assignment_status" => "int", "assessment" => "bool", "assessment_id" => "int", "assessment_locked" => "bool", "major" => "int", "discussion" => "bool", "formative" => "bool", "exempt" => "bool", "incomplete" => "bool", "late" => "bool", "missing" => "bool", "rubric" => "bool", "user_task" => "bool"]

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