
SubTest extends BaseComponent
in package

SubTest Model

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$percentile  : float|null
$scale  : float|null
$score  : float|null
$stanie  : float|null
$sub_test_type  : string|null
$test_subtype_id  : int|null
$test_type_id  : int|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public float|null $percentile

The SubTest Percentile


public float|null $scale

The SubTest Scale


public float|null $score

The SubTest Score


public float|null $stanie

The SubTest Stanie


public string|null $sub_test_type

The SubTest Type


public int|null $test_subtype_id

The SubTest Type Id


public int|null $test_type_id

The Test Type ID


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["test_type_id" => "int", "sub_test_type" => "string", "score" => "float", "test_subtype_id" => "int", "percentile" => "float", "scale" => "float", "stanie" => "float"]

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