
Teacher extends BaseComponent
in package

Academic Teacher Model

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$cell_phone  : string|null
$email  : string|null
$firstname  : string|null
$formatted_name  : string|null
$head  : bool|null
$id  : int|null
$lastname  : string|null
$name  : string|null
$preferred_name  : string|null
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $cell_phone

The teacher's cellular phone


public string|null $email

The teacher's email address


public string|null $firstname

The first name of the teacher


public string|null $formatted_name

The formatted name of the teacher. If the teacher has a preferred name, it is used in place of the first name.


public bool|null $head

The head teacher indicator


public int|null $id

The user ID for the teacher


public string|null $lastname

The last name of the teacher


public string|null $name

The firstname and lastname of the teacher


public string|null $preferred_name

The teachers preferred name


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["id" => "int", "head" => "bool", "name" => "string", "firstname" => "string", "lastname" => "string", "preferred_name" => "string", "formatted_name" => "string", "email" => "string", "cell_phone" => "string"]

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