
UserAdd extends BaseComponent
in package

UserAdd Model


?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\HomeLanguageAdd[] $home_languages A list of languages the user speaks at home. Each entry is the description or ID of the language. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values.

Table of Contents


$affiliation  : string|null
$birth_place  : string|null
$boarding_or_day  : string|null
$cc_email  : string|null
$citizenship  : string|null
$custom_field_eight  : string|null
$custom_field_five  : string|null
$custom_field_four  : string|null
$custom_field_nine  : string|null
$custom_field_one  : string|null
$custom_field_seven  : string|null
$custom_field_six  : string|null
$custom_field_ten  : string|null
$custom_field_three  : string|null
$custom_field_two  : string|null
$deceased  : bool
$deceased_date  : string|null
$dob  : string
$email  : string|null
$email_active  : bool
$ethnicity  : string|null
$first_name  : string|null
$gender  : string|null
$greeting  : string|null
$host_id  : string|null
$in_state  : UserInState
$international  : string|null
$is_abroad  : bool|null
$is_responsible_signer  : bool
$last_name  : string|null
$latino_hispanic  : string|null
$living_status  : string|null
$locker  : UserLocker
$lost  : bool
$maiden_name  : string|null
$mailbox  : UserMailbox
$middle_name  : string|null
$passport  : UserPassport
$preferred_lastname  : string|null
$preferred_name  : string|null
$prefix  : string|null
$primary_language  : string|null
$pronouns  : string|null
$races  : array<string|int, UserAddRace>|null
$religion  : string|null
$school_program  : string|null
$state_id  : string|null
$student_id  : string|null
$suffix  : string|null
$visa  : UserVisaAdd
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public string|null $affiliation

The affiliation of a user


public string|null $birth_place

The birthplace of the user


public string|null $boarding_or_day

The boarding or day status. Accepted values: boarding, day, "B" and "D"


public string|null $cc_email

The cc email address of a user


public string|null $citizenship

The descriptor or ID of the citizenship. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values.


public string|null $custom_field_eight

A custom field on the user profile (eight of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_five

A custom field on the user profile (five of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_four

A custom field on the user profile (four of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_nine

A custom field on the user profile (nine of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_one

A custom field on the user profile (one of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_seven

A custom field on the user profile (seven of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_six

A custom field on the user profile (six of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_ten

A custom field on the user profile (ten of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_three

A custom field on the user profile (three of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_two

A custom field on the user profile (two of ten)


public bool $deceased

Set to true if the user is deceased. Allowed value: true, false. Defaults to false.


public string|null $deceased_date

The deceased date of the user. Use ISO-8601 date format: 2022-04-08.


public string $dob

The birthday of a user


public string|null $email

The email address of a user


public bool $email_active

Set to true if email is usable. Allowed value: true, false. Defaults to true.


public string|null $ethnicity

The descriptor or ID of the ethnicity. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values.


public string|null $first_name

The first name of a user


public string|null $gender

The gender of a user


public string|null $greeting

The greeting of a user


public string|null $host_id

The HostId of a user


public string|null $international

Whether the user is an international user. This will return: Yes, No, or No answer.


public bool|null $is_abroad

Set to true if user is currently abroad. Allowed value: true, false. Defaults to false.


public bool $is_responsible_signer

Set to true if user is a responsible signer. Allowed value: true, false. Defaults to false.


public string|null $last_name

The last name of a user


public string|null $latino_hispanic

Whether the user is Latino/Hispanic. Allowed values: Yes, No, or No answer.


public string|null $living_status

The living status of a user. Valid values are Single, Married, Separated, Divorced, Widowed, Partner.


public bool $lost

Set to true if user is set as lost


public string|null $maiden_name

The maiden name of a user


public string|null $middle_name

The middle name of a user


public string|null $preferred_lastname

The preferred last name of a user


public string|null $preferred_name

The preferred name of the user


public string|null $prefix

The prefix of a user


public string|null $primary_language

The descriptor or ID of the language. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values.


public string|null $pronouns

The descriptor or ID of the pronouns. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values.


public array<string|int, UserAddRace>|null $races

A list of races. Each entry is the description or ID of the race. Descriptions are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values.


public string|null $religion

The descriptor or ID of the religion. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values.


public string|null $school_program

The descriptor or ID of the school program. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values.


public string|null $state_id

The state assigned ID of the user


public string|null $student_id

The school assigned ID of the user


public string|null $suffix

The suffix of a user


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["affiliation" => "string", "birth_place" => "string", "boarding_or_day" => "string", "cc_email" => "string", "citizenship" => "string", "custom_field_eight" => "string", "custom_field_five" => "string", "custom_field_four" => "string", "custom_field_nine" => "string", "custom_field_one" => "string", "custom_field_seven" => "string", "custom_field_six" => "string", "custom_field_ten" => "string", "custom_field_three" => "string", "custom_field_two" => "string", "deceased" => "bool", "deceased_date" => "string", "dob" => "string", "email" => "string", "email_active" => "bool", "ethnicity" => "string", "first_name" => "string", "gender" => "string", "greeting" => "string", "home_languages" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\HomeLanguageAdd[]", "host_id" => "string", "international" => "string", "is_abroad" => "bool", "latino_hispanic" => "string", "is_responsible_signer" => "bool", "in_state" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserInState", "last_name" => "string", "living_status" => "string", "locker" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserLocker", "lost" => "bool", "maiden_name" => "string", "mailbox" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserMailbox", "middle_name" => "string", "passport" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserPassport", "primary_language" => "string", "preferred_name" => "string", "preferred_lastname" => "string", "prefix" => "string", "pronouns" => "string", "races" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserAddRace[]", "religion" => "string", "school_program" => "string", "state_id" => "string", "student_id" => "string", "suffix" => "string", "visa" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserVisaAdd"]

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