
UserExtended extends BaseComponent
in package

UserExtended Model


?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\HomeLanguageRead[] $home_languages List of user home languages


?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\RelationshipRead[] $relationships List of the user relationships

Table of Contents


$abroad  : bool
$addresses  : array<string|int, AddressExRead>|null
$affiliation  : string|null
$audit_date  : string|null
$birth_date  : string|null
$birth_place  : string|null
$boarding_or_day  : string|null
$cc_email  : string|null
$cc_email_active  : bool
$chat_service  : string|null
$citizenship  : string|null
$created_date  : string|null
$custom_field_eight  : string|null
$custom_field_five  : string|null
$custom_field_four  : string|null
$custom_field_nine  : string|null
$custom_field_one  : string|null
$custom_field_seven  : string|null
$custom_field_six  : string|null
$custom_field_ten  : string|null
$custom_field_three  : string|null
$custom_field_two  : string|null
$deceased  : bool
$deceased_date  : string|null
$depart_date  : string|null
$display  : string|null
$education  : array<string|int, EducationRead>|null
$email  : string|null
$email_active  : bool
$enroll_date  : string|null
$ethnicity  : string|null
$first_name  : string|null
$gender  : string|null
$gender_description  : string|null
$greeting  : string|null
$host_id  : string|null
$id  : int
$in_state  : UserInState
$international  : string|null
$is_responsible_signer  : bool
$last_modified_date  : string|null
$last_name  : string|null
$last_sync_date  : string|null
$latino_hispanic  : string|null
$legacy_user_name  : string|null
$living_arrangement  : string|null
$locker  : UserLocker
$lost  : bool
$maiden_name  : string|null
$mailbox  : UserMailbox
$middle_name  : string|null
$misc_bio  : string|null
$nick_name  : string|null
$occupations  : array<string|int, OccupationRead>|null
$passport  : UserPassport
$personal_bio  : string|null
$personal_website  : string|null
$phones  : array<string|int, PhoneRead>|null
$preferred_last_name  : string|null
$preferred_name  : string|null
$prefix  : string|null
$primary_language  : string|null
$profile_photo  : UserProfilePhoto
$profile_url  : string|null
$pronouns  : string|null
$public_bio  : string|null
$races  : array<string|int, RaceRead>|null
$religion  : string|null
$retire_date  : string|null
$roles  : array<string|int, Role>|null
$school_program  : string|null
$screen_name  : string|null
$state_id  : string|null
$student_id  : string|null
$student_info  : StudentInfo
$suffix  : string|null
$username  : string|null
$visa  : UserVisa
$fields  : array<string|int, string>



public bool $abroad

Returns true if the current user is abroad


public string|null $affiliation

The affiliation in the user profile


public string|null $audit_date

The audit date from a user profile; Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $birth_date

The birth date in the user profile; Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $birth_place

The birth place in the user profile


public string|null $boarding_or_day

The 'Boarding Or Day' status of the user. 'B' for boarding and 'D' for day, or will be a blank string if not set.


public string|null $cc_email

The cc email address of a user


public bool $cc_email_active

Returns true if the users carbon copy email is active


public string|null $chat_service

The chat service in the user profile


public string|null $citizenship

The citizenship field in the user profile


public string|null $created_date

The created date in the user profile


public string|null $custom_field_eight

A custom field on the user profile (eight of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_five

A custom field on the user profile (five of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_four

A custom field on the user profile (four of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_nine

A custom field on the user profile (nine of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_one

A custom feild on the user profile (one of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_seven

A custom field on the user profile (seven of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_six

A custom field on the user profile (six of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_ten

A custom field on the user profile (ten of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_three

A custom field on the user profile (three of ten)


public string|null $custom_field_two

A custom field on the user profile (two of ten)


public bool $deceased

Set to true if the user is deceased. Allowed value: true, false. Defaults to false.


public string|null $deceased_date

The deceased date in the user profile; Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $depart_date

The depart date from a user profile; Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $display

Display name field generated from first name, last name, preferred name, and grad year (read only)


public string|null $email

The email address of a user


public bool $email_active

Returns true if the users e-mail is ok to send to


public string|null $enroll_date

The enroll date from a user profile. Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $ethnicity

The ethnicity field from a user profile


public string|null $first_name

The first name of a user


public string|null $gender

The gender of the user


public string|null $gender_description

The gender description of the user


public string|null $greeting

The greeting in the user profile


public string|null $host_id

The hostId in the user profile


public string|null $international

The value the user has selected for Is International. This will return: Yes, No, or No answer.


public bool $is_responsible_signer

The isresponsiblesigner in the user profile


public string|null $last_modified_date

The last modified date in the user profile


public string|null $last_name

The last name of a user


public string|null $last_sync_date

The last sync date of a user profile; Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $latino_hispanic

The value the user has selected for Is Latino Hispanic. This will return: Yes, No, or No answer.


public string|null $legacy_user_name

The last sync date of a user profile


public string|null $living_arrangement

The living arrangement in the user profile


public bool $lost

Returns true if lost is selected under sensitive information in a personal profile (read only)


public string|null $maiden_name

The maiden name of a user


public string|null $middle_name

The middle name of a user


public string|null $misc_bio

The misc bio from the user profile


public string|null $nick_name

The nickname of a user This field will be deprecated after 90 days.


public string|null $personal_bio

The personal bio from the user profile


public string|null $personal_website

The personal website in the user profile


public string|null $preferred_last_name

The preferred last name of a user


public string|null $preferred_name

The preferred name of the user


public string|null $primary_language

The primary language for the user profile.


public string|null $profile_url

The profile url for a user profile


public string|null $pronouns

The pronouns of the user.


public string|null $public_bio

The public bio of the user.


public array<string|int, RaceRead>|null $races

List of the races object for the user profile.


public string|null $religion

The religion field from a user profile


public string|null $retire_date

The retire date in the user profile; Uses ISO-8601 (24H) format: 2003-04-21T10:29:43


public string|null $school_program

The school program of the user


public string|null $screen_name

The screen name in the user profile


public string|null $state_id

The state id of the user


public string|null $username

The username used to access the system


protected static array<string|int, string> $fields = ["id" => "int", "addresses" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\AddressExRead[]", "abroad" => "bool", "affiliation" => "string", "audit_date" => "string", "birth_date" => "string", "birth_place" => "string", "boarding_or_day" => "string", "cc_email_active" => "bool", "chat_service" => "string", "citizenship" => "string", "created_date" => "string", "custom_field_eight" => "string", "custom_field_five" => "string", "custom_field_four" => "string", "custom_field_nine" => "string", "custom_field_one" => "string", "custom_field_seven" => "string", "custom_field_six" => "string", "custom_field_ten" => "string", "custom_field_three" => "string", "custom_field_two" => "string", "deceased" => "bool", "deceased_date" => "string", "depart_date" => "string", "display" => "string", "education" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\EducationRead[]", "email" => "string", "cc_email" => "string", "email_active" => "bool", "enroll_date" => "string", "ethnicity" => "string", "first_name" => "string", "gender" => "string", "gender_description" => "string", "greeting" => "string", "host_id" => "string", "home_languages" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\HomeLanguageRead[]", "is_responsible_signer" => "bool", "in_state" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserInState", "international" => "string", "last_modified_date" => "string", "last_name" => "string", "last_sync_date" => "string", "latino_hispanic" => "string", "legacy_user_name" => "string", "living_arrangement" => "string", "lost" => "bool", "locker" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserLocker", "maiden_name" => "string", "mailbox" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserMailbox", "middle_name" => "string", "misc_bio" => "string", "nick_name" => "string", "occupations" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\OccupationRead[]", "passport" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserPassport", "personal_bio" => "string", "personal_website" => "string", "phones" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\PhoneRead[]", "prefix" => "string", "preferred_name" => "string", "primary_language" => "string", "profile_photo" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserProfilePhoto", "profile_url" => "string", "pronouns" => "string", "public_bio" => "string", "races" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\RaceRead[]", "relationships" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\RelationshipRead[]", "religion" => "string", "retire_date" => "string", "roles" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\Role[]", "screen_name" => "string", "school_program" => "string", "state_id" => "string", "student_id" => "string", "student_info" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\StudentInfo", "suffix" => "string", "username" => "string", "visa" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Components\\UserVisa", "preferred_last_name" => "string"]

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