
Content extends BaseEndpoint
in package

Routing class for the subnamespace `Content`

Table of Contents


$events  : Events
$news  : News
$resources  : Resources
$_events  : Events|null
$_news  : News|null
$_resources  : Resources|null
$endpoints  : array<string, BaseEndpoint>>



public Events $events

Routing class for the subnamespace Events


public News $news

Routing class for the subnamespace News


protected Events|null $_events = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Events


protected News|null $_news = null

Routing class for the subnamespace News


protected array<string, BaseEndpoint>> $endpoints = ["resources" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Content\\Resources", "news" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Content\\News", "events" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Content\\Events"]

$endpoints Routing subpaths

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