
Advanced extends BaseEndpoint
in package

Table of Contents


$url  : string


getByListId()  : ListResult
Returns a collection of results from a basic or advanced list.



protected string $url = "{list_id}"

Endpoint URL pattern



Returns a collection of results from a basic or advanced list.

public getByListId(array{list_id: int, page?: int, page_size?: int} $params) : ListResult

Note: The requested list must have access permissions enabled for a role listed below or the user requesting the list needs read permission to that list.

Requires one of the following roles in the Education Management system:

  • Page Manager

  • Content Editor

  • Teacher

  • Coach

  • Community Group Manager

  • Mentor Manager

  • Alumni Group Manager

  • Athletic Group Manager

  • Academic Group Manager

  • System Group Manager

  • Content Manager

  • Community Group Owner

  • Dorm Group Manager

  • Activity Group Manager

  • Advisory Group Manager

  • Advisor

  • Dorm Supervisor

  • Activity Leader

  • Pending Teacher

  • Pending Advisor

  • Pending Dorm Supervisor

  • Pending Activity Leader

  • Platform Manager

  • SkyApi Data Sync

Rate Limiting:- Any successful calls made to the GET List Single endpoint will have no restrictions

  • Any call resulting in an error to the GET List Single endpoint will trigger a temporary time-out on the Environment and BBID of the calls origin. This time-out/hold will be for 60 seconds. After that calls may resume.

  • If calls are made to the endpoint while the time-out is in place the response back will be Status 429 too many requests and an error of "Limited by error rate" will appear.

$params : array{list_id: int, page?: int, page_size?: int}

An associative array

  • list_id: Format - int32. The ID of the list. To learn how to find the list ID, see KB article 108336.
  • page: Format - int32. The number of the page to return. Defaults to 1.
  • page_size: Format - int32. Number of rows to return per page. Default is 1000. Maximum allowed is 1000.

if required parameters are not defined

Return values


On this page

Search results