
V1 extends BaseEndpoint
in package

Routing class for the subnamespace `V1`


\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Communitygroups $communitygroups Routing class for the subnamespace Communitygroups

Table of Contents


$academics  : Academics
$activities  : Activities
$admissions  : Admissions
$advisories  : Advisories
$athletics  : Athletics
$attendance  : Attendance
$content  : Content
$customfields  : Customfields
$degrees  : Degrees
$directories  : Directories
$dorms  : Dorms
$events  : Events
$gradelevels  : Gradelevels
$levels  : Levels
$lists  : Lists
$medical  : Medical
$offeringtypes  : Offeringtypes
$roles  : Roles
$schedules  : Schedules
$sessions  : Sessions
$terms  : Terms
$testscores  : Testscores
$timezone  : Timezone
$types  : Types
$users  : Users
$venues  : Venues
$years  : Years
$_academics  : Academics|null
$_activities  : Activities|null
$_admissions  : Admissions|null
$_advisories  : Advisories|null
$_athletics  : Athletics|null
$_attendance  : Attendance|null
$_communitygroups  : Communitygroups|null
$_content  : Content|null
$_customfields  : Customfields|null
$_degrees  : Degrees|null
$_directories  : Directories|null
$_dorms  : Dorms|null
$_events  : Events|null
$_gradelevels  : Gradelevels|null
$_levels  : Levels|null
$_lists  : Lists|null
$_medical  : Medical|null
$_offeringtypes  : Offeringtypes|null
$_roles  : Roles|null
$_schedules  : Schedules|null
$_sessions  : Sessions|null
$_terms  : Terms|null
$_testscores  : Testscores|null
$_timezone  : Timezone|null
$_types  : Types|null
$_users  : Users|null
$_venues  : Venues|null
$_years  : Years|null
$endpoints  : array<string, BaseEndpoint>>



public Academics $academics

Routing class for the subnamespace Academics


public Activities $activities

Routing class for the subnamespace Activities


public Admissions $admissions

Routing class for the subnamespace Admissions


public Advisories $advisories

Routing class for the subnamespace Advisories


public Athletics $athletics

Routing class for the subnamespace Athletics


public Content $content

Routing class for the subnamespace Content


public Degrees $degrees

Routing class for the subnamespace Degrees


public Dorms $dorms

Routing class for the subnamespace Dorms


public Events $events

Routing class for the subnamespace Events


public Lists $lists

Routing class for the subnamespace Lists


public Medical $medical

Routing class for the subnamespace Medical


public Schedules $schedules

Routing class for the subnamespace Schedules


public Testscores $testscores

Routing class for the subnamespace Testscores


public Types $types

Routing class for the subnamespace Types


public Users $users

Routing class for the subnamespace Users


public Venues $venues

Routing class for the subnamespace Venues


protected Academics|null $_academics = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Academics


protected Activities|null $_activities = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Activities


protected Admissions|null $_admissions = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Admissions


protected Advisories|null $_advisories = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Advisories


protected Athletics|null $_athletics = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Athletics


protected Communitygroups|null $_communitygroups = null

$_communitygroups Routing class for the subnamespace Communitygroups


protected Content|null $_content = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Content


protected Degrees|null $_degrees = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Degrees


protected Dorms|null $_dorms = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Dorms


protected Events|null $_events = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Events


protected Levels|null $_levels = null


protected Lists|null $_lists = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Lists


protected Medical|null $_medical = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Medical


protected Roles|null $_roles = null


protected Schedules|null $_schedules = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Schedules


protected Terms|null $_terms = null


protected Testscores|null $_testscores = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Testscores


protected Types|null $_types = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Types


protected Users|null $_users = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Users


protected Venues|null $_venues = null

Routing class for the subnamespace Venues


protected Years|null $_years = null


protected array<string, BaseEndpoint>> $endpoints = ["roles" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Roles", "years" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Years", "levels" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Levels", "gradelevels" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Gradelevels", "offeringtypes" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Offeringtypes", "terms" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Terms", "users" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Users", "attendance" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Attendance", "lists" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Lists", "timezone" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Timezone", "testscores" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Testscores", "sessions" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Sessions", "customfields" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Customfields", "directories" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Directories", "academics" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Academics", "athletics" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Athletics", "types" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Types", "admissions" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Admissions", "venues" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Venues", "advisories" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Advisories", "activities" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Activities", "events" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Events", "dorms" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Dorms", "schedules" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Schedules", "content" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Content", "degrees" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Degrees", "medical" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Medical", "communitygroups" => "\\Blackbaud\\SKY\\School\\Endpoints\\V1\\Communitygroups"]

$endpoints Routing subpaths

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