Table of Contents
- Academics
- Activities
- Admissions
- Advisories
- Athletics
- Communitygroups
- Content
- Degrees
- Dorms
- Events
- Lists
- Medical
- Schedules
- Testscores
- Types
- Users
- Venues
- Academics
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Academics`
- Activities
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Activities`
- Admissions
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Admissions`
- Advisories
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Advisories`
- Athletics
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Athletics`
- Attendance
- Communitygroups
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Communitygroups`
- Content
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Content`
- Customfields
- Degrees
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Degrees`
- Directories
- Dorms
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Dorms`
- Events
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Events`
- Gradelevels
- Levels
- Lists
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Lists`
- Medical
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Medical`
- Offeringtypes
- Roles
- Schedules
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Schedules`
- Sessions
- Terms
- Testscores
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Testscores`
- Timezone
- Types
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Types`
- Users
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Users`
- Venues
- Routing class for the subnamespace `Venues`
- Years