

Table of Contents

packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Client.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/AcademicSessionModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/AcademicSessionOutputModel.php 2
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/AcademicSessionsOutputModel.php 2
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/CategoriesOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/CategoryModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/CategoryOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/ClassesOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/ClassModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/ClassOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/CourseModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/CourseOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/CoursesOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/DemographicOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/DemographicsOutputModel.php 2
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/EnrollmentModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/EnrollmentOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/EnrollmentsOutputModel.php 2
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/LineItemModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/LineItemOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/LineItemsOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/ORDemographicModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/OrgModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/OrgOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/OrgsOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/ORUserModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/ResultModelSvc.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/ResultOutputModelSvc.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/ResultsOutputModelSvc.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/UserOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Components/UsersOutputModel.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Endpoints/Classes/LineItems.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Endpoints/Classes/Students.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Endpoints/Schools/Classes.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Endpoints/Schools.php 1
packages/oneroster/src/OneRoster/Endpoints/Terms.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/AcademicsSection.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/AcademicsSectionStudentCollection.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/AdmissionsChecklistStatusCollection.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/AllergiesAndConditionsView.php 2
packages/school/src/School/Components/BuildingRead.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/CandidateInterviewReadModel.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/CandidateRead.php 3
packages/school/src/School/Components/CandidateVisitReadModel.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/Course.php 2
packages/school/src/School/Components/DegreeOutputModel.php 4
packages/school/src/School/Components/EmergencyContactChange.php 2
packages/school/src/School/Components/EmergencyContactList.php 2
packages/school/src/School/Components/Enrollment.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/EnrollmentChanges.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/GameCreate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/GameUpdate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/MasterScheduleDay.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/RelationshipCreate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/ResultCreate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/ScheduleSetDetails.php 3
packages/school/src/School/Components/ScheduleSetMettingPattern.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/ScheduleSetRotation.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/ScheduleSetRotationDay.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/SchoolDecisionModel.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentAllergiesView.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentAllergyUpdate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentAthleticRequirementRead.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentAthleticRequirementUpdate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentConditionUpdate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentConditionView.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentGradedAssignmentCollection.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentImmunizationRead.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentImmunizationUpdate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentMedicalAllergy.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentMedicalAllergyCondition.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentMedicalCondition.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentMedicationCreate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/StudentMedicationRead.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserAdd.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserAdminCustomField.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserAreaOfStudyReferenceOutputModel.php 2
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserDegreeOutputModel.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserEdit.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserEmployment.php 3
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserEmploymentUpdate.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserExtended.php 2
packages/school/src/School/Components/UserRead.php 2
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Courses/Customfields.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Courses.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Enrollments.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Rosters.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Schedules.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Sections/Customfields.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Sections.php 4
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Student.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics/Teachers.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Academics.php 5
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Activities/Rosters.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Admissions/Candidates.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Admissions.php 3
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Advisories/Rosters.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Athletics/Rosters.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Athletics/Teams/Schedule.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Athletics/Teams.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Athletics.php 3
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Communitygroups/Rosters.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Communitygroups.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Content/Events.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Content/News.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Degrees.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Dorms/Rosters.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Medical/Users.php 6
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Medical.php 5
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Schedules/Meetings.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Testscores/All.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Testscores.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Types.php 3
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Users/Customfields.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Users/Emergencycontacts.php 3
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Users/Enrollments.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Users/Relationships.php 1
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1/Users.php 5
packages/school/src/School/Endpoints/V1.php 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 48 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Endpoints\AcademicSessions $academicSessions" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 22 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 15 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error
ERROR 15 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\AcademicSessionModel $academicSession" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 15 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error
ERROR 15 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\AcademicSessionModel[] $academicSessions" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 27 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 23 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 13 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\ORDemographicModel $demographic" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 15 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error
ERROR 15 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\ORDemographicModel[] $demographics" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 22 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 15 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error
ERROR 15 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\EnrollmentModel[] $enrollments" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 28 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 20 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 30 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 25 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?array{...<string, string>} $metadata Extension properties for the instance" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 17 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $status_info_set List of status messages" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 17 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $status_info_set List of status messages" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Components\StatusInfoModel[] $statusInfoSet" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Endpoints\Classes\LineItems\Results $results" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Endpoints\Classes\Students\Results $results" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Endpoints\Schools\Classes\Enrollments $enrollments" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 30 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Endpoints\Schools\Enrollments $enrollments" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 19 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\OneRoster\Endpoints\Terms\GradingPeriods $gradingPeriods" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 34 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CustumFieldReadModel[] $custom_fields The list of custom fields for the section" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 19 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\AcademicsSectionStudent[] $value The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 19 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\AdmissionsChecklistStatus[] $value The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentMedicationRead[] $medications Collection of medicines" has error
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\IdDescriptorField $allergy_condition_type" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 17 Tag "@property" with body "@@property null|"Academics"|"Activities"|"Advisory"|"ResidenceLife"|"Athletics"|"Events"[] $building_types Building group types" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 26 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\UserBaseReadModel[] $accompanying_adults An array of accompanying adult objects" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 66 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CandidateVisitReadModel[] $visits An array of candidate visit objects" has error
ERROR 66 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CandidateInterviewReadModel[] $interviews An array of candidate interview objects" has error
ERROR 66 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CandidateEventReadModel[] $events An array of candidate event objects" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 25 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\UserBaseReadModel[] $accompanying_adults An array of accompanying adult objects" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 26 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CustumFieldReadModel[] $custom_fields" has error
ERROR 26 Tag "@property" with body "@@property null|"Homeroom"|"Academic"|"Lunch"|"Double"|"NonAcademic" $block_type_id" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 32 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\UserAreaOfStudyReferenceOutputModel[] $concentrations" has error
ERROR 32 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\UserAreaOfStudyReferenceOutputModel[] $minors" has error
ERROR 32 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\UserAreaOfStudyReferenceOutputModel[] $majors" has error
ERROR 32 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\AreaOfStudyOutputModel[] $requirement_set" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 37 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\EmergencyContactChangePhone[] $emergency_contact_change_phones" has error
ERROR 37 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\EmergencyContactChangeEmail[] $emergency_contact_change_emails" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\EmergencyContactPhone[] $phone_contact_list List of emergency contact phones" has error
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\EmergencyContactEmail[] $email_contact_list List of emergency contact emails" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 59 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CustumFieldReadModel[] $custom_fields The list of custom fields for the section" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 19 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\EnrollmentChangeAudit[] $changes" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 55 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\GameTransportation[] $transportation List of the transportation to be used for this game" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 56 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\GameTransportation[] $transportation List of the transportation to be used for this game" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\MasterScheduleSet[] $schedule_sets" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 28 Tag "@property" with body "@@property "NOT_SET"|"StepParent_StepChild"|"GrGrandParent_GrGrandChild"|"Guardian_Ward"|"AuntUncle_NieceNephew"|"Grandparent_Grandchild"|"Parent_Child"|"Custodian_Student"|"Consultant_Student"|"Caretaker_Charge"|"SpousePartner_SpousePartner"|"StepSibling_StepSibling"|"ExHusband_ExWife"|"Associate_Associate"|"HalfSibling_HalfSibling"|"Husband_Wife"|"Spouse_Spouse"|"Sibling_Sibling"|"Cousin_Cousin"|"Friend_Friend" $relationship_type The nature of the relationship; modeled where left\_user 'is a' relationship to this individual. Required." has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 20 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\ResultCreateOpponent[] $opponents List of opponents to record results for" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 53 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\ScheduleSetRotation[] $RotationList" has error
ERROR 53 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\ScheduleSetMettingPattern[] $MeetingList" has error
ERROR 53 Tag "@property" with body "@@property null|"_0"|"_1"|"_2"|"_3"|"_4"|"_5"|"_6"|"_8"|"_9"|"_10"|"_11"|"_12"|"_13" $OfferingType" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 22 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\ScheduleSetMettingTime[] $MeetingTimeList" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 14 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\ScheduleSetRotationDay[] $WeekDayList" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\ScheduleSetRotationDayMeeting[] $RotaionDayMeetingList" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 20 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CandidateDecisionModel $candidate_response" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 25 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentMedication[] $student_medications An array of student medication objects." has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\MedicalSecurityRole[] $role_access Array of roles. If a role is not included, default access will be set to true" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\AthleticRequirementType $athletic_requirement_type Athletic requirement type" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 19 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentAthleticRequirement[] $athletics_requirement An array of athletic requirement objects" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 26 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\MedicalSecurityRole[] $role_access Array of roles. If a role is not included, default access will be set to true" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 20 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentMedication[] $student_medications An array of student medication objects." has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 19 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentGradedAssignment[] $value The set of items included in the response. This may be a subset of the items in the collection" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 21 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentImmunizationType $immunization_type Student immunization type" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentImmunization[] $immunizations The list of student immunizations" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 29 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentAccessRole[] $access_roles An array of access role objects." has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 32 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\MedicalSecurityRole[] $role_access Array of roles" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\StudentAccessRole[] $access_roles An array of access role objects." has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 36 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\MedicalSecurityRole[] $role_access Array of roles" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 30 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\IdDescriptorField $medication_type" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 107 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\HomeLanguageAdd[] $home_languages A list of languages the user speaks at home. Each entry is the description or ID of the language. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values." has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 20 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\CustomAdminField[] $custom_fields Custom Fields" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\UserAreaOfStudyReferenceOutputModel $concentrations" has error
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\UserMajorMinorConcentrationOutputModel $requirement_set" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 17 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\DegreeOutputModel[] $student_degrees The list of degrees for the user" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 122 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\HomeLanguageAdd[] $home_languages A list of languages. Each entry is the descriptor or ID of the language. Descriptors are not case sensitive, but otherwise must match the table value exactly. These values are returned by GET Types table values." has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 29 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\IdDescriptorField[] $grade_levels An array of the user’s grade levels" has error
ERROR 29 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\EmployeeDepartmentsInfoModel[] $departments An object with employee department information" has error
ERROR 29 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\IdDescriptorField[] $school_levels An array of the user’s school levels" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 47 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\EmployeeDepartmentsEditModel[] $employee_departments An array of employee department objects. If this property is included, the existing employee departments will be overwritten with the included list. This includes removing ones not included." has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 147 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\RelationshipRead[] $relationships List of the user relationships" has error
ERROR 147 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\HomeLanguageRead[] $home_languages List of user home languages" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 65 Tag "@property" with body "@@property ?\Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\HomeLanguageRead[] $home_languages List of languages spoken at home by the user" has error
ERROR 65 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Components\ProfilePictureUrls $profile_pictures An object with profile photo and thumbnail" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Courses\Customfields\List_ $list_" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Courses\Customfields $customfields Routing class for the subnamespace `Customfields`" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Enrollments\Changes $changes" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 51 Tag "method" with body "@method array{school_year: string, school_level: int, section_ids: string, last_modified: string} $params An associative array - school_year: The ID or label of the school year. Defaults to the current school year. - school_level: Format - int32. Limits rosters returned to school level specified. - section_ids: Limits rosters returned to sections specified. Provide comma-delimited list of section\_id values. - last_modified: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits rosters returned to sections that were modified on or after the date provided. Use ISO-8601 date-time format: 2024-09-01T00:00:00-5:00." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 57 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Schedules\Master $master" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Sections\Customfields\List_ $list_" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 27 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Sections\Customfields $customfields Routing class for the subnamespace `Customfields`" has error
ERROR 27 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Sections\Cycles $cycles" has error
ERROR 27 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Sections\Students $students" has error
ERROR 27 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Sections\Assignments $assignments" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Student\Sections $sections" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Teachers\Sections $sections" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 45 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Gradedassignments $gradedassignments" has error
ERROR 45 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Assignments $assignments" has error
ERROR 45 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Enrollments $enrollments Routing class for the subnamespace `Enrollments`" has error
ERROR 45 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Specialdays $specialdays" has error
ERROR 45 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Academics\Departments $departments" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 51 Tag "method" with body "@method array{school_year: string, school_level: int, section_ids: string, last_modified: string} $params An associative array - school_year: The ID or label of the school year. Defaults to the current school year. - school_level: Format - int32. Limits rosters returned to school level specified. - section_ids: Limits rosters returned to sections specified.Provide comma-delimited list of section\_id values. - last_modified: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits rosters returned to sections that were modified on or after the date provided. Use ISO-8601 date-time format: 2024-09-01T00:00:00-5:00." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 57 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 68 Tag "method" with body "@method array{school_year: string, status_ids: string, modified_date: string} $params An associative array - school_year: The school year for which to return results. Corresponds to ```school\_year\_label``` in the [Year list]( Default is current year. - status_ids: One or more comma delimited status Id(s) to filter results on. Corresponds to ```id``` in the [Status list]( Default is no status Id filter. - modified_date: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). The date last modified to filter results to on or after. Use [ISO-8601]( date format: 2003-04-21. Default is no modified date filter" has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 60 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Admissions\Checkliststatus $checkliststatus" has error
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Admissions\Candidates $candidates" has error
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Admissions\Checklists $checklists" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 51 Tag "method" with body "@method array{school_year: string, school_level: int, section_ids: string, last_modified: string} $params An associative array - school_year: The ID or label of the school year. Defaults to the current school year. - school_level: Format - int32. Limits rosters returned to school level specified. - section_ids: Limits rosters returned to sections specified.Provide comma-delimited list of section\_id values. - last_modified: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits rosters returned to sections that were modified on or after the date provided. Use ISO-8601 date-time format: 2024-09-01T00:00:00-5:00." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 57 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 51 Tag "method" with body "@method array{school_year: string, school_level: int, section_ids: string, last_modified: string} $params An associative array - school_year: The ID or label of the school year. Defaults to the current school year. - school_level: Format - int32. Limits rosters returned to school level specified. - section_ids: Limits rosters returned to sections specified.Provide comma-delimited list of section\_id values. - last_modified: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits rosters returned to sections that were modified on or after the date provided. Use ISO-8601 date-time format: 2024-09-01T00:00:00-5:00." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 57 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 19 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Athletics\Teams\Schedule\Practice $practice" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 20 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Athletics\Teams\Schedule $schedule Routing class for the subnamespace `Schedule`" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 39 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Athletics\Highlights $highlights" has error
ERROR 39 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Athletics\Transportationtypes $transportationtypes" has error
ERROR 39 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Athletics\Sportslevels $sportslevels" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 51 Tag "method" with body "@method array{school_year: string, school_level: int, section_ids: string, last_modified: string} $params An associative array - school_year: The ID or label of the school year. Defaults to the current school year. - school_level: Format - int32. Limits rosters returned to school level specified. - section_ids: Limits rosters returned to sections specified.Provide comma-delimited list of section\_id values. - last_modified: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits rosters returned to sections that were modified on or after the date provided. Use ISO-8601 date-time format: 2024-09-01T00:00:00-5:00." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 57 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Communitygroups\Rosters $rosters" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Content\Events\Categories $categories" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 18 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Content\News\Categories $categories" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 16 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Degrees\Studentdegrees $studentdegrees" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 51 Tag "method" with body "@method array{school_year: string, school_level: int, section_ids: string, last_modified: string} $params An associative array - school_year: The ID or label of the school year. Defaults to the current school year. - school_level: Format - int32. Limits rosters returned to school level specified. - section_ids: Limits rosters returned to sections specified.Provide comma-delimited list of section\_id values. - last_modified: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits rosters returned to sections that were modified on or after the date provided. Use ISO-8601 date-time format: 2024-09-01T00:00:00-5:00." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 57 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Users\Conditions $conditions" has error
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Users\Allergies $allergies" has error
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Users\Athleticrequirements $athleticrequirements" has error
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Users\Immunizations $immunizations" has error
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Users\Medications $medications" has error
ERROR 31 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Users\Allergiesconditions $allergiesconditions" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 35 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Athleticclearance $athleticclearance" has error
ERROR 35 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Immunizations $immunizations" has error
ERROR 35 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Medications $medications" has error
ERROR 35 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Allergiesconditions $allergiesconditions" has error
ERROR 35 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Medical\Securityroles $securityroles" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 80 Tag "method" with body "@method array{start_date: string, end_date: string, offering_types?: string, section_ids: string, last_modified: string, show_time_for_current_date?: bool} $params An associative array - start_date: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Use [ISO-8601]( date format: 2022-04-01. - end_date: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Use [ISO-8601]( date format: 2022-04-08. - offering_types: Comma delimited list of integer values above. Defaults to 1. - section_ids: Comma delimited list of integer values for the section identifiers to return. By default the route returns all sections. - last_modified: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Filters meetings to sections that were modified on or after the date provided. Use [ISO-8601]( date format: 2022-04-01. - show_time_for_current_date: Set to true to calculate the ```start\_time``` and ```end\_time``` or meetings based on the current day instead of the meeting day. Defaults to false." has error Unexpected token "?", expected '}' at offset 58 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 54 Tag "method" with body "@method array{size?: int, page?: int, test_type: string, start_date: string, end_date: string, last_modified: string} $params An associative array - size: Format - int32. The number of records per page (Default record size is 100). - page: Format - int32. The page of results to start from (Default start page is 1). - test_type: Provide the ID or name of a test type to limit results to that test type. - start_date: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits results to tests with a test date on or after the specified date. Use ISO 8601 date format. - end_date: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits results to tests with a test date on or before the specified date. Use ISO 8601 date format. - last_modified: Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). Limits results to tests created or modified after the specified date." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 59 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 21 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Testscores\Testtypes $testtypes" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 26 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Types\Excusedtypes $excusedtypes" has error
ERROR 26 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Types\Excusedurationtypes $excusedurationtypes" has error
ERROR 26 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Types\Attendancetypes $attendancetypes" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 21 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Users\Customfields\List_ $list_" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Users\Emergencycontacts\Nonuser $nonuser" has error
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Users\Emergencycontacts\User $user" has error
ERROR 24 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Users\Emergencycontacts\Changed $changed" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 51 Tag "method" with body "@method array{school_year: string, school_level_id: int, grade_level_id: int, limit?: int, offset?: int} $params An associative array - school_year: The school year label to get enrollments for. The school year should be formatted like ```2022-2023``` - school_level_id: Format - int32. The school level ID to return enrollments for. Optional. - grade_level_id: Format - int32. The grade level ID to return enrollments for. Optional. - limit: Format - int32. The number of records to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum is 5000. - offset: Format - int32. The record to start the next collection on. Defaults to 0." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 63 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 114 Tag "method" with body "@method array{user_id: int, left_user: int, relationship_type: "NOT_SET"|"StepParent_StepChild"|"GrGrandParent_GrGrandChild"|"Guardian_Ward"|"AuntUncle_NieceNephew"|"Grandparent_Grandchild"|"Parent_Child"|"Custodian_Student"|"Consultant_Student"|"Caretaker_Charge"|"SpousePartner_SpousePartner"|"StepSibling_StepSibling"|"ExHusband_ExWife"|"Associate_Associate"|"HalfSibling_HalfSibling"|"Husband_Wife"|"Spouse_Spouse"|"Sibling_Sibling"|"Cousin_Cousin"|"Friend_Friend"} $params An associative array - user_id: Format - int32. The ID of the user for whom you are deleting the relationship. - left_user: Format - int32. ID of the other user in the relationship. - relationship_type: Defines the relationship between left\_user and this user." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 53 on line 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 241 Tag "method" with body "@method array{roles: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, email: string, maiden_name: string, grad_year: string, end_grad_year: string, marker: int} $params An associative array - roles: Comma-delimited list of role IDs to get users for. - first_name: Filter results by first name. - last_name: Filter results by last name. - email: Filter results by e-mail. - maiden_name: Filter results by maiden name. - grad_year: The beginning date in a school year (ex. 2017). - end_grad_year: The end date in a school year (ex. 2018). Enter a grad\_year and end\_grad\_year to find matching results in the date range. - marker: Format - int32. The record number start at to return the next batch of data." has error Unexpected token ":", expected '}' at offset 130 on line 2
ERROR 62 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Users\Customfields $customfields Routing class for the subnamespace `Customfields`" has error
ERROR 62 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Users\Addresstypes $addresstypes" has error
ERROR 62 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Users\Emergencycontacts $emergencycontacts Routing class for the subnamespace `Emergencycontacts`" has error
ERROR 62 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Users\Relationships $relationships" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 86 Tag "@property" with body "@@property \Blackbaud\SKY\School\Endpoints\V1\Communitygroups $communitygroups Routing class for the subnamespace `Communitygroups`" has error

Search results